Tuesday, February 1, 2011

We're going to Sudan!!!!

“Teach & preach like it’s going to be your last time” That’s what Arie has been telling us from the beginning. Every time we jump out of his car at one of our teachings he yells out the window, “Give them Jesus”! Well I blew it this past Friday because I was thinking I would see my students again next Friday. Although I taught about Cain and Able I failed to share the Gospel with them. That Friday afternoon we were informed that indeed that was my last time to teach those kids. We’re going to Sudan a month earlier than expected. Wes & Vicky flew into Nairobi just to meet with us to inform us of the new plans. We’re going to Sudan in a few days for 2 months! Because of the current referendum that is taking place the door for going to Sudan was looking like it was closing on us. History is being made right now as the South is trying to gain their independence from the North. Southern Sudan holds the main oil supply and a separation means that the North will no longer have control over the oil. The South has been oppressed for years by the North so we’ve been praying that the South will break free. But with a victory a war will mostly likely follow. All is calm right now in the South so Wes felt it was better for us to go now rather than later. We’re leaving in the middle of several projects that we’ve started and the plan is to come back in April to finish up our last 2 months in Nairobi. But I’ve learned that in this program plans are always changing and nothing is guaranteed. As we sat in the meeting with tears, because we’re leaving so abruptly, Wes reminded us that this program is going to be the hardest but best year of our lives. He told us what adventures are ahead of us and reminded us how fortunate we are to be doing and seeing things that most people will never have the opportunity to do. We’ll be spending a couple of days in Kampala then driving up the country of Uganda with Vicky in FRM’s armored vehicle! We’ll stay a few days in a grass hut at one of the FRM projects in the town of Masindi. Then we’ll be staying in Gulu where the LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army) attacked many years ago. Once we get to Sudan we’ll be involved in major projects with the FRM Chaplains and have a chance to go to Juba. I’m very sad to leave these Kenyans behind; I was just starting to develop relationships with them and getting comfortable here, but I know the Lord is going to bless me tremendously!

1 comment:

  1. My dearest Jackie what a Blessing you have been to all those that you serve & share the Word with. The kids look so happy and are listening to all that you are sharing with them. Bless you for all you do and I hope that your time in Sudan will be as inspiring as it has been in Kenya. I pray for your safety and hope that you will return to Kenya soon. I know those kids will be waiting for you with open arms. I love you and will continue to pray for you and your Ministry. God Bless you!~Love Elda~
